22 research outputs found

    DDS3D: Dense Pseudo-Labels with Dynamic Threshold for Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection

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    In this paper, we present a simple yet effective semi-supervised 3D object detector named DDS3D. Our main contributions have two-fold. On the one hand, different from previous works using Non-Maximal Suppression (NMS) or its variants for obtaining the sparse pseudo labels, we propose a dense pseudo-label generation strategy to get dense pseudo-labels, which can retain more potential supervision information for the student network. On the other hand, instead of traditional fixed thresholds, we propose a dynamic threshold manner to generate pseudo-labels, which can guarantee the quality and quantity of pseudo-labels during the whole training process. Benefiting from these two components, our DDS3D outperforms the state-of-the-art semi-supervised 3d object detection with mAP of 3.1% on the pedestrian and 2.1% on the cyclist under the same configuration of 1% samples. Extensive ablation studies on the KITTI dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our DDS3D. The code and models will be made publicly available at https://github.com/hust-jy/DDS3DComment: Accepted for publication in 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA

    Focal Inverse Distance Transform Maps for Crowd Localization and Counting in Dense Crowd

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    In this paper, we propose a novel map for dense crowd localization and crowd counting. Most crowd counting methods utilize convolution neural networks (CNN) to regress a density map, achieving significant progress recently. However, these regression-based methods are often unable to provide a precise location for each person, attributed to two crucial reasons: 1) the density map consists of a series of blurry Gaussian blobs, 2) severe overlaps exist in the dense region of the density map. To tackle this issue, we propose a novel Focal Inverse Distance Transform (FIDT) map for crowd localization and counting. Compared with the density maps, the FIDT maps accurately describe the people's location, without overlap between nearby heads in dense regions. We simultaneously implement crowd localization and counting by regressing the FIDT map. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art localization-based methods in crowd localization tasks, achieving very competitive performance compared with the regression-based methods in counting tasks. In addition, the proposed method presents strong robustness for the negative samples and extremely dense scenes, which further verifies the effectiveness of the FIDT map. The code and models are available at https://github.com/dk-liang/FIDTM.Comment: The code and models are available at https://github.com/dk-liang/FIDT

    LATFormer: Locality-Aware Point-View Fusion Transformer for 3D Shape Recognition

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    Recently, 3D shape understanding has achieved significant progress due to the advances of deep learning models on various data formats like images, voxels, and point clouds. Among them, point clouds and multi-view images are two complementary modalities of 3D objects and learning representations by fusing both of them has been proven to be fairly effective. While prior works typically focus on exploiting global features of the two modalities, herein we argue that more discriminative features can be derived by modeling ``where to fuse''. To investigate this, we propose a novel Locality-Aware Point-View Fusion Transformer (LATFormer) for 3D shape retrieval and classification. The core component of LATFormer is a module named Locality-Aware Fusion (LAF) which integrates the local features of correlated regions across the two modalities based on the co-occurrence scores. We further propose to filter out scores with low values to obtain salient local co-occurring regions, which reduces redundancy for the fusion process. In our LATFormer, we utilize the LAF module to fuse the multi-scale features of the two modalities both bidirectionally and hierarchically to obtain more informative features. Comprehensive experiments on four popular 3D shape benchmarks covering 3D object retrieval and classification validate its effectiveness

    SOOD: Towards Semi-Supervised Oriented Object Detection

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    Semi-Supervised Object Detection (SSOD), aiming to explore unlabeled data for boosting object detectors, has become an active task in recent years. However, existing SSOD approaches mainly focus on horizontal objects, leaving multi-oriented objects that are common in aerial images unexplored. This paper proposes a novel Semi-supervised Oriented Object Detection model, termed SOOD, built upon the mainstream pseudo-labeling framework. Towards oriented objects in aerial scenes, we design two loss functions to provide better supervision. Focusing on the orientations of objects, the first loss regularizes the consistency between each pseudo-label-prediction pair (includes a prediction and its corresponding pseudo label) with adaptive weights based on their orientation gap. Focusing on the layout of an image, the second loss regularizes the similarity and explicitly builds the many-to-many relation between the sets of pseudo-labels and predictions. Such a global consistency constraint can further boost semi-supervised learning. Our experiments show that when trained with the two proposed losses, SOOD surpasses the state-of-the-art SSOD methods under various settings on the DOTA-v1.5 benchmark. The code will be available at https://github.com/HamPerdredes/SOOD.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2023. Code will be available at https://github.com/HamPerdredes/SOO

    CrowdCLIP: Unsupervised Crowd Counting via Vision-Language Model

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    Supervised crowd counting relies heavily on costly manual labeling, which is difficult and expensive, especially in dense scenes. To alleviate the problem, we propose a novel unsupervised framework for crowd counting, named CrowdCLIP. The core idea is built on two observations: 1) the recent contrastive pre-trained vision-language model (CLIP) has presented impressive performance on various downstream tasks; 2) there is a natural mapping between crowd patches and count text. To the best of our knowledge, CrowdCLIP is the first to investigate the vision language knowledge to solve the counting problem. Specifically, in the training stage, we exploit the multi-modal ranking loss by constructing ranking text prompts to match the size-sorted crowd patches to guide the image encoder learning. In the testing stage, to deal with the diversity of image patches, we propose a simple yet effective progressive filtering strategy to first select the highly potential crowd patches and then map them into the language space with various counting intervals. Extensive experiments on five challenging datasets demonstrate that the proposed CrowdCLIP achieves superior performance compared to previous unsupervised state-of-the-art counting methods. Notably, CrowdCLIP even surpasses some popular fully-supervised methods under the cross-dataset setting. The source code will be available at https://github.com/dk-liang/CrowdCLIP.Comment: Accepted by CVPR 202

    SAM3D: Zero-Shot 3D Object Detection via Segment Anything Model

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    With the development of large language models, many remarkable linguistic systems like ChatGPT have thrived and achieved astonishing success on many tasks, showing the incredible power of foundation models. In the spirit of unleashing the capability of foundation models on vision tasks, the Segment Anything Model (SAM), a vision foundation model for image segmentation, has been proposed recently and presents strong zero-shot ability on many downstream 2D tasks. However, whether SAM can be adapted to 3D vision tasks has yet to be explored, especially 3D object detection. With this inspiration, we explore adapting the zero-shot ability of SAM to 3D object detection in this paper. We propose a SAM-powered BEV processing pipeline to detect objects and get promising results on the large-scale Waymo open dataset. As an early attempt, our method takes a step toward 3D object detection with vision foundation models and presents the opportunity to unleash their power on 3D vision tasks. The code is released at https://github.com/DYZhang09/SAM3D.Comment: Technical Report. The code is released at https://github.com/DYZhang09/SAM3

    Diffusion-based 3D Object Detection with Random Boxes

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    3D object detection is an essential task for achieving autonomous driving. Existing anchor-based detection methods rely on empirical heuristics setting of anchors, which makes the algorithms lack elegance. In recent years, we have witnessed the rise of several generative models, among which diffusion models show great potential for learning the transformation of two distributions. Our proposed Diff3Det migrates the diffusion model to proposal generation for 3D object detection by considering the detection boxes as generative targets. During training, the object boxes diffuse from the ground truth boxes to the Gaussian distribution, and the decoder learns to reverse this noise process. In the inference stage, the model progressively refines a set of random boxes to the prediction results. We provide detailed experiments on the KITTI benchmark and achieve promising performance compared to classical anchor-based 3D detection methods.Comment: Accepted by PRCV 202

    Fault Diagnosis of Main Pump in Converter Station Based on Deep Neural Network

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    As the core component of the valve cooling system in a converter station, the main pump plays a major role in ensuring the stable operation of the valve. Thus, accurate and efficient fault diagnosis of the main pump according to vibration signals is of positive significance for the detection of failure equipment and reducing the maintenance cost. This paper proposed a new neural network based on the vibration signals of the main pump to classify four faults and one normal state of the main pump, which consisted of a convolutional neural network (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM). Multi-scale features were extracted by two CNNs with different kernel sizes, and temporal features were extracted by LSTM. Moreover, random sampling was used in data processing for imbalanced data, which is meaningful for data symmetry. Experimental results indicated that the accuracy of the network was 0.987 obtained from the test set, and the average values of F1-score, recall, and precision were 0.987, 0.987, and 0.988, respectively. It was found that the proposed network performed well in a multi-label fault diagnosis of the main pump and was superior to other methods